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Easy & Spicy Fermented Hot Sauce Recipe - Sauces by Jrk!

Making your hot sauce is a great way to add flavor to any dish. It’s also a fun project that can be tailored to your taste. In this recipe, we’ll show you how to make a fermented hot sauce that is both easy and spicy. Let’s get started!

What is Fermentation?

Fermentation is a process that uses bacteria to break down food. This process can occur with or without oxygen, and it produces different results depending on the type of bacteria used. In this recipe, we will be using lactobacilli, a type of bacteria that is beneficial for human health. This bacteria will help to break down the peppers and create a hot sauce that is both easy to digest and full of flavor.

Additionally, fermentation is a great way to preserve food. The lactobacilli bacteria produce lactic acid, which lowers the pH of the sauce and makes it inhospitable for harmful bacteria. This means that your hot sauce will be safe to eat for months, or even years!

Fermented Over Canned

There are many reasons to make your hot sauce, but one of the most important is that it’s simply better than store-bought. Not only will your homemade sauce be more flavorful, but it will also be more nutritious.

Canned sauces often contain preservatives and other additives that can be harmful to your health. By making your sauce, you can control what goes into it and be sure that you’re getting all of the nutrients that come from fresh peppers.

And, of course, fermented sauces have the added benefits of probiotics and easier digestion. So if you’re looking for a healthier, more flavorful hot sauce, homemade is the way to go!


The ingredients for this recipe are simple and can be easily found at your local grocery store. We recommend using a mix of different types for the peppers to get the most flavor. In this batch, we used 1 jalapeño, 1 serrano, and 1 habanero.

You will also need:

  • 1 pound of hot peppers (we used habanero, but you can use any type that you like)
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 3 teaspoons of salt
  • 1 cup of water unchlorinated
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar
  • 1 cup vinegar (white wine)

Fermented Hot Sauce Recipe

If you're looking for a hot sauce similar to Tabasco, we recommend using red serrano peppers instead of tabasco peppers. Serrano peppers are hotter than tabasco peppers, so you'll get a more intense flavor. The recipe is very simple, and the most challenging part will be waiting for the sauce to ferment!

Step 1: Select A Style Or Flavor

The first step in making your hot sauce is to decide on the style or flavor that you want. There are endless possibilities for flavors, so take some time to experiment. In this batch, we decided to go with a more traditional fermented hot sauce recipe.

Step 2: Choose Your Chile Peppers

The next step is to choose the type of peppers that you want to use. As we mentioned before, we recommend using a mix of different types of peppers to get the most flavor. In this recipe, we used 1 jalapeño, 1 serrano, and 1 habanero.

Step 3: Prep Them Right

Once you have your peppers, it’s time to prep them for fermentation. Start by slicing the peppers in half lengthwise and removing the seeds. Next, chop the peppers into small pieces.

Step 4: Consider Some Support Players

The next step is to add some supporting flavors. In this batch, we decided to add 2 cloves of garlic and 3 teaspoons of salt. You can also add other spices at this point, such as cumin or smoked paprika.

Step 5: Brine Or Mash?

Now it’s time to decide how you want to ferment your peppers. The two most popular methods are bringing and mashing.

In a brine, the peppers are submerged in a solution of water and salt. This method is great for keeping the peppers fresh and crisp.

Mashing is the other popular fermentation method, and it’s exactly what it sounds like. To mash your peppers, simply add them to a bowl and use a potato masher or other tool to crush them into a pulp.

Step 6: Pack And Ferment

Once selected your fermentation method, it’s time to pack everything into jars. If you’re using the brine method, make sure to add enough of the solution to cover all of the peppers. For the mashing method, add all of the ingredients to the jar and mash them until they’re the consistency that you want.

Once everything is in the jars, screw on the lids and store them in a cool, dark place. Fermentation will occur over the next few days, and you’ll see bubbles forming in the jar. This is normal!

Step 7: Monitor and Wait

Over the next few days, you’ll need to monitor your hot sauce and make sure that fermentation is occurring properly. You can do this by opening the jars and making sure that there are bubbles present in the finished hot sauce. If you don’t see any bubbles, stir the fermented peppers and check back in a day or two.

Step 8: Post-Fermentation Processing

After 3-4 days of fermentation, your hot fermented sauce is ready to be processed. To do this, simply add all of the ingredients from the jar into a blender and blend until smooth.

Step 9: Additives

At this point, you can add any additional flavors that you want. This could be anything from honey to lime juice. If you’re using apple cider vinegar, we recommend adding it at this stage.

Step 10: Storage

Store your hot sauce by pouring it into clean jars or bottles and screwing on the lid. Make sure to label them with the date so you can keep track of how long they’ve been fermenting peppers submerged in making fermented hot sauce.

You can store your hot sauce in the fridge for up to 6 months, or in the freezer for up to a year.

And that’s it! You’ve now made your very own fermented hot sauce. Enjoy!

Tips On Making The Best Fermented Hot Sauce

There are a few things to keep in mind when making your hot sauce.

Fermentation Time

The fermentation time will vary depending on the temperature of your house. If it’s warmer, fermentation will occur more quickly. If it’s more relaxed, it will take longer. We recommend fermenting your hot sauce for 3-4 days if you live in a warm climate, and 5-7 days if you live in a cooler climate.

If you’re not sure whether or not your homemade hot sauce is done fermenting, open the jar and check for bubbles. If you see bubbles, it’s still fermenting. If you don’t see any bubbles, it’s done.

Kahm Yeast

Kahm yeast is a type of wild yeast that can sometimes form on the surface of fermented foods. It’s harmless, but it can give your sauce an off flavor. If you see kahm yeast, simply skim it off the top with a spoon.

Thicker Or Thinner Hot Sauce

The thickness of the finished fermented hot sauce is entirely up to you. If you want a thinner sauce, add more water during the blending process. If you want a thicker sauce, add less water. It’s that simple!

Other Ingredients

There are several other ingredients that you can add to your hot sauce. Some popular additions include honey, lime juice, and vinegar. Feel free to experiment and find the flavor that you like best.

Other Peppers

If you want to change up the flavor of your hot sauce, you can use other types of peppers. Some good options include chili peppers, habanero peppers, jalapeno peppers, and serrano peppers.

Get Sauces by Jrk!

If you want high-quality, fermented hot sauces, be sure to check out Sauces by Jrk! We use only the freshest ingredients and our fermentation process is second to none. Visit our website to browse our selection of hot sauces.

                                                                 KYLE PRICE 

Kyle Price, the creative force behind Sauces by Jrk!, brings a unique blend of Jamaican culinary heritage and modern flair to the world of gourmet sauces. Starting his journey in a bustling Miami kitchen, Kyle's passion for authentic Jamaican flavors and commitment to natural, health-focused ingredients quickly set his sauces apart. His mantra, "Health is Wealth, Mon," reflects in every bottle, offering a delicious journey into Jamaican tradition with a contemporary twist.

For more about Kyle and his approach, visit Sauces by Jrk!.
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